Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alphabet Easter Eggs

My in-betweener has proven to me, as of late, that he is no longer a baby.  In fact, he is much more a big boy than he is my chubby, cheeked, cherub baby.  For Valentine's Day, the boys spent an afternoon making Valentines for their grandparents.  I was surprised, amazed, proud, saddened to see my three and a half year old write his name.  Legibly.  Thank goodness he goes to preschool, because this mama wouldn't' have ever thought to work on that...yet...in my eyes, he was just too little.

Watching his eyes light up as his Grandpa "read" his name on the card, simply, melted my heart.  Watching him write his name on the side of my dusty van in the Target parking lot, made me say, "Wow!"  He's ready to learn.  Okay, he's always been learning...but now we are moving on to big boy stuff. 

Tonight, I put together something that I am going to present to him and my preschoolers at school.  I fashioned a set of Easter eggs. 

For my little guy, I have printed all of our family names on eggs...one letter at a time.  I'll give him his name letters first and let him put them in order.  I'll then go on to "M-O-M" and "D-A-D" before giving him the letters for his sister's and brother's names. 

For my preschoolers, I have three random letters printed on each egg.  I am going to ask them to read them to me as their "ticket" into preschool each morning.  It should be a fun way to work on our letters in a non-threatening way.  Their caregivers help them practice their address and phone number each morning before class...the eggs will be inside those envelopes so caregivers can help with the letters, if needed.

I have a set of blank eggs, here, for you if you're interested.  If you have an older child working on sight words you could try writing those on the eggs.  If you have a toddler, maybe just a blank set would be fun for them to manipulate.  Print two copies and you can make yourself a matching game.  Seriously, the possibilities are endless.  Four copies with letters or numbers or pictures and you could make your own, "GO FISH," game.  I could go on and on and on. 

Please let me know how you use them.  I love getting new ideas. 


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