In the last month, lots of things have been happening. Lots. My baby girl continued to climb. Everywhere. On everything. And managed to smash her nose while walking on the carpeted floor. Go figure, right!? We are just recovering from that horrific injury.
My oldest rocked out as a funky chicken in his Kindergarten Moosical. Those are the moments that make it a little easier for this mama to watch her baby grow.
I got strep and needed my mommy to come over and take care of me. Since my mother is AWESOME, she did. She also cleaned my house, watched my kiddos and went grocery shopping for me. I LOVE MY MOM!
One week later, Miss Baby got strep and a double ear infection and maybe started working on some teeth. She is a much stronger woman than I am. I only discovered her illness from the rash she developed. No crying or curling into the fetal position like her mama. ;-)
My husband reminded my of one of the reasons I fell in love with him and drummed with an alumni group at a spring parade at his alma mater. He loved it. So did I.

Oh....and I started a little photography business. Still learning and growing, but loving every minute of it. :-)
That little business inspired the new love of my decorating life....BURLAP! Decided that a burlap rag garland would be the perfect accessory for a shoot I was doing for a very vintage-cool family. 6 feet of burlap garland done....but I wasn't done yet. I then decided that a burlap pennant would be exceptional. Spelled out "little" and that was the amount of interest my "little" subjects showed in it. HA! Well, I"m sure I can use it again. But I also did make a "love" which was perfect in a few family shots. And now OVER MY MANTLE!
I am SO in LOVE. So, so, so. I love the look it gives....not quite shabby chic....more like rustic, shabby chic. I'm completely okay with that. It is cheap. I think I picked this burlap up for less than $4.00 a yard and everything you see (and the LITTLE banner, you don't) was created with 1 yard. It's kind of smelly (think field day sack races) and it sheds when you move it, but I'm not planning on moving it too often, so I think we will survive. :-)
I free form cut the triangles for the pennant and used acrylic, craft paint to free hand the letters. I used my hold punch to make some holes and then used jute twine to thread it all together. (A hint-don't hole punch too close to an edge....the holes tend to spread.)
The garland was made from strips of burlap cut into 1x8" (ish) strips and then tied around jute twine.
Now, I just need to put some pictures in those frames. ;-)
Until next time....go find some burlap. Already got some? LUCKY YOU! Tell me how you use it. I'd SERIOUSLY love to know.