Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Indoor Camp Lanterns

This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!!  The boys and I crafted up these sweet, lanterns for our indoor camping extravaganza over the weekend.  Perfect for lighting up a tent or keeping bedtime monsters at bay. 

This is my adaptation of a lantern craft seen on the Michael's website.  I purchased my clear pails for $2.99/ea. in the Michael's gift wrapping section.  I used a mid-sized version since I wanted them to be easy for my kiddos to haul about...even the 18 month old. 
I then mixed up my own decoupage solution....Elmer's school glue and water until it was easy enough to spread with a brush.  I would guesstimate a 3 to 1 combo of glue to water, but seriously, I was ad libbing.  We used foam brushes to apply and then threw them away after we were done. 
I bought the paper boats for my son's birthday party LAST July.  I had to purchase them in a box of 500....ugh...but I have been surprised at HOW many things I have pulled them out for.  Watery-glue solution was my latest repurpose. 
I cut up tissue paper into two inch (or so) squares.  My oldest is "green" to the bone, my preschooler is "red" through and through, and since Miss Baby was napping, I chose pink and yellow for her. 
The six year old independently applied his own glue and tissue paper to the pail while my preschooler required the help of his daddy. 

We applied a topcoat of our watery-glue solution and hung them up to dry.  After about an hour, our lanterns were ready to go.  With the addition of the most awesome, COLOR CHANGING, battery-operated tea-light ($5.99 for a pack of 4) we lit the nighttime skies in a most colorful way. 
So much fun and a project that we will use for many nights to come. 

Wishing you nights full of fireflies and campfires and many happy memories....and wishing for spring...or at least no more winter...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Indoor Camping

I don't know where you live, but here in the midwest....winter has gone on for TOO long!  My Kindergartener has worn a hole in his snowpants, we've gone sledding a few times, we have built a snowman, my toddler has developed an unhealthy obsession with marshmallows....spring needs to get here.  Soon. 

This past weekend, we decided to take advantage of the weather that had gone from bad to worse.  Snow turned to rain turned to miserable.  We went camping.  Indoor camping.  Perhaps, the best version of camping in my opinion.  We cleared out the dining room, set up a four person tent where our dining room table usually stands and started through the first of three bundles of firewood. 

The advantages to indoor camping.  NO BUGS, temperature control, indoor plumbing, real mattresses (yes, we hauled their mattresses from their bedroom and put them in the tent...posh, I know), the list goes on and on.  My boys ceratinly enjoyed the laid back feel that only an afternoon camping can provide. 
Yes...there were electronic devices on this camping trip.  We had to fill the void that was left from the lack of outdoor fishing, archery, or canoeing were allowed on this trip!

Oh, the forced smiles...
The close quarters of nylon and netting provided my boys hours and hours of fun.  Some hours were quiet and some hours were spent jumping from one mattress to another while screaming, but all hours were fun. 

Our meals were "a la campfire" and included the options of hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches cooked in our campfire pie thingie, fresh cut up strawberries and potato chips.

The boys even got a full night's sleep (and so did I, in my very own bed).  :-)

The next day, brought about Sunday School and then S'mores by the campfire.  We had set-up our camp chairs next to the fireplace and I think we all enjoyed "relaxing" by the fireplace.

My oldest was the only true S'more middle guy only ate graham crackers and the toddler kept running off with handfuls of marshmallows.  I think they all enjoyed their own versions.  :-)

In addition to the much needed R&R...a loosely coined phrase in a house where most of your dining room furniture lines the hallways and general chaos lies abound...I did plan a few "campy" activities for us to try.  We did make one pretty fun craft that helped the boys light their can find that tutorial here(I think it would be a great summer craft or a project for little ones who are worried about nightime.)  A package of pipe cleaners and some pony beads provided some fine motor practice and a fun bracelet to remember the weekend from after the visible remnants were gone. 
Did you know that you can buy glow-in-the-dark beads!?!  I grabbed a bag in addition to our regular multi-colored set. 
Even Miss Baby tried it out.  Disclaimer: This was completely not part of my original plan...but she has gotten pretty good at pointing and pouting when there is something she wants and can't have.  We decided to give it a whirl...SUPERVISED TO ENSURE SHE DIDN'T EAT HER CHOKING HAZARD OF A PROJECT...and she was pretty content to sit for awhile and work on picking up beads (a challenge in itself) and placing them on the pipe cleaner with her daddy.
The tent has been taken down and sent home with Auntie and Uncle, the sleeping bags rolled up and stowed under beds once more, and the fireplace is empty...but the memories linger of a rainy weekend spent camping under the glowing lights of a dining room chandelier.  Oh...and no one is complaining about mosquito bites.  :-)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm blue...aba dee aba di

Are you singing along?  Okay, neither were my kids, but we all did have a smashing time on our Family Fun Blue Day.  After a very sick few days in our household, we were all needing the enjoyment of a family outing, but due to the very sick days in our household, we had little or no time to prepare for such an outing.  We had hoped to use our "blue" day as an opportunity to explore an indoor, community swimming pool.  Yeah, that didn't happen.  So here's how we pulled together a fun afternoon.

We started our day by encouraging our kiddos to get dressed in as much blue as they could find.  (note: this happened after lunch...see previous household status)  We were pretty impressed with all the shades of blue we could find in our wardrobes.  Well, except Miss Baby.  Funny thing to see how little blue she had.  After two older brothers, I can't imagine why that would be!? 

We then climbed into our BLUE minivan (okay, that was just a coincidence....but still fun) and drove to Target.  Why Target?  Because they have BLUE Icees.  Perfect for enjoying on our blue scavenger hunt around town. 

We then challenged the boys to try and point out blue things that they spotted while we were driving.  Our only rule was that we would be able to take a picture next to the thing they NO moving vehicles or personal property...although we did see a couple of really fab, blue houses.  Here are a few of the things we found. 

Kind of in love with the 2-Step Hot PreSoak explanation....

So excited to have my in-betweener going through the awkward smile stage....oh and around this time he started licking his lips.  Always a fun treat in the middle of the dry winter months. 

Thank you, God for the beautiful blue sky on a winter's day and for temperatures warm enough to allow for a few trips down the slide. 

Our 10th find!  We walked right over it on our way to the 9th.  See how my boys are pointing...would hate for anyone to be confused by what was blue in the picture.  ;-)

It was a great afternoon driving around aimlessly, but with purpose.  HA!  The baby napped.  We all got to get out of the infirmary.  We took in some fresh air.  And we ended the celebration with a stop at our downtown coffee shop.  Those who know me, can probably guess how fabulously that played into our theme.  The boys drank fancy hot chocolates and we all enjoyed some pretty delish blueberry muffins.  Ahhhh.......and they thought it was a day just for them. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Leprechaun Scissor Practice

I am a preschool teacher, but I would venture to guess that you would have a hard time finding any sort of children's scissors in my house.  There must be one pair here, but believe me...we aren't using them with any regularity.  That's why you send your kids to preschool, right!?

Well, this is a scissor practice sheet that I have put together for my preschoolers in honor of the upcoming St. Patrick's Day holiday...and because the idea of doing anything wintery could force me to pull my hair out.  Shoot...I may even print out an extra copy and try it with my own preschooler at home...that is if I can find those silly scissors.  :-) 

Turn on "teacher voice"
Do you want to know why scissor skills are so important? 
  • The same muscles that help move those blades up and down will also help us write one day. 
  • Watching a line and guiding our hand to follow it, forces us to develop hand-eye coordination.
  • Using a scissor requires children to use both sides of their body at the same time.  One hand is cutting while the other hand is holding and guiding the paper.  This bilateral coordination is an important skill for overall development. 
This practice sheet is also designed to encourage kiddos to work from left to right which is a pre-reading skill.  It also encourages working from top to bottom.
The bottom "shamrock snip" is a confidence booster.  This section, not matter how the child may have struggled along the St. Patty's Day paths, should be fun and quick for any child to complete.  Even though it may not be as difficult, it is still encouraging that muscle development.
So, go grab those scissors and let your little ones cut.  I promise that the more you do it, the more comfortable everyone will be.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Easy Chili

Drain.  (I usually buy pretty lean ground beef so I often skip this step.)
Add chili powder (which we keep in the fridge so it doesn't lose flavor).  We eyeball it, but somewhere between 1 and 1 1/2 T. is the acceptable heat level for my family.  (Of course, my husband adds hot sauce to his.)
Warm until heated through and then enjoy! 
Feel free to make it in the Crockpot or to simmer it for hours in a Dutch oven.  It's a great recipe to have in my back pocket for nights where I need a quick meal or on winter days when I want the scent of chili wafting through my home all day.    I've also made it in bulk for my eldest' JULY birthday.  It is his FAVORITE!  Couldn't be easier or tastier.  Now if only spring would come so we could try out some thing other than chili recipes.  :-) 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

SNOW much FUN!

Perhaps, I've gone about things all wrong.  Perhaps, instead of going into a giant funk every time we get more snow, I should be celebrating the fun that can only be had on these frigid, bright days.  Even if they are still coming (far too frequently, may I add) in MARCH.  Here are some of the family fun day highlights we have had in celebration of snow. 

We had a snow-inspired breakfast one morning with "cold" chocolate (chocolate milk).  The kiddos got to make these special snow friends using some donut holes.  My husband went to at least five different places looking for powdered sugar donut holes...we ended up with some Valentine's Day inspired snowmen. 
After an afternoon of sledding fun....
Toddlers in snow cute!

we enjoyed the traditional hot chocolate with marshmallows, but the fun didn't stop there.  I picked up an extra box of toothpicks and some colored marshmallows and we spent a good chunk of time building all sorts of stuff out toothpicks and marshmallows.
Here's the bridge my oldest and his daddy put together.  (His mouth is full of marshmallows which is the reason for the goofy smile...the hand you can't see is in the bowl of marshmallows.)

With another round of snow heading our way, I'd love to hear what you SNOW FUN your family has had this winter.  Wishing you warm moments spent with your family...even if they are out in the snow....

Friday, March 1, 2013

White Chicken Chili


My sister is pretty cool.  You probably all know that already, because she is famous.  Seriously.  I can't go anywhere without someone knowing her.  The upside, though...I have met some pretty cool people by proxy.  This recipe came from one of those people.  Thanks, Lindsey, for the simply FAB and simply EASY White Chicken Chili recipe.  As she said..."It's sinfully simple."  It was perfect for throwing together for a teacher appreciation luncheon that I volunteered to bring "chicken" soup to.

White Chicken Chili
  • 2 cans Northern beans
  • 2 cans Navy beans
  • 4 oz. can of diced green chiles
  • 1-2 packages of Southwestern, precooked chicken strips (or 2 c. cooked chicken)
  • 1 small onion
  • minced garlic
  • 2 t. cumin
  • 2 t. oregano
  • 1/8 t. cayenne pepper
  • chicken broth
  • garnishes (I used light sour cream, tortilla strips and shredded cheese)
Chop up an onion and some garlic (I used pre-minced, jarred garlic).  I threw this in the saute pan to cook some...(plus, it's always AWESOME to have your house smell like onions and garlic from 7:30 in the morning.  :-) )...but you could just throw this all into a Crockpot if you'd prefer.
I used two packages of chicken for my crock pot size.  The night before when I made a batch in my dutch oven for the hubster and myself, I only used one package.
I did chop up my chicken into smaller, soup-sized pieces before I threw it into the saute pan with the onions and garlic. 
After throwing this mixture into the Crockpot, I added my beans.  (I used half the amount for my single, dutch oven batch.)  I didn't drain my beans. 
Add one can of green chiles.  (I used the same amount for both batches.  My "hot" husband thought, two might make it too spicy for a teacher's luncheon.  Never thought I'd hear him say, "too spicy.")
Now for the spices.  My measuring was most certainly "ish."  2 teaspoons-ish...etc.  This was merely a guideline.

Add chicken broth until it reaches your preferred consistency.  I used the majority of one box of broth in my Crockpot to make it soupy...if you like a beanier chili, a smaller splash would get you there.  Cook on low until warmed through.  Top with garnishes of your choosing and ENJOY!  My husband ate 3 bowls the first night I tried it out.  :-)